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Unity Asset Tanks Multiplayer (MLAPI, Photon, Mirror)


Unity Asset Tanks Multiplayer (MLAPI, Photon, Mirror) 

Download Url :,_Photon,_Mirror)_v1.6.1.rar

Tanks Multiplayer is an action packed multiplayer template running on Unity Networking, Mirror or Photon Unity Networking. Your choice! Play in teams with up to 12 players per room and compete for the highest score. Numerous common network approaches are explained in the extensive documentation.

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• Team Deathmatch & Capture The Flag

• Offline mode vs AI bots

• LAN mode & local network discovery

• Online Matchmaking & Host Migration

• Auto Team Balance across up to 4 Teams

• Synchronized Player Model Selection

• Synchronized Player Movement & Shots

• Synchronized Player Death & Respawn

• Killcam following the killer tank on death

• Various collectible Powerups & Bullets

• Networked Object Pooling integration

• Lightweight Render Pipeline

• Unity Services: IAP, Ads

• Step by Step Networking Documentation

• Mobile & Desktop Input support

* Unity Networking (UNET) is deprecated by Unity and out of support.

#UnityAsset #Multiplayer #Tanks #Networking #Documentation #Unity #Mirror #Photon #MLAPI #LAN #Matchmaking #TeamDeathmatch #CaptureTheFlag #AI #Bots #PlayerModel #Respawn #Killcam #Powerups #ObjectPooling #IAP #Ads #Mobile #Desktop

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