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Multiplayer racing game with realistic car model. Created in Unity Engine.

 Multiplayer racing game with realistic car model. Created in Unity Engine.

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Realistic racing game created in Unity Engine with multiplayer mode. Game is for up to 4 players and includes an extensive tutorial with plot elements in the visual novel style.







Game features:

multiplayer mode, game for up to 4 players (Photon);

4 optional car colours and adjustable laps count;

support for keyboard, gamepad and steering wheel game set;

realistic car physics for Zenvo ts1 implemented using wheel colliders:

realistic steering with implemented ackermann steering and antiroll system,

convincing driving with clutch and gear shifting,

three gearbox types: automatic, semiautomatic and manual,


particle visual effects such as: exhaust smoke, drift marks;

engine and crash sound effects;

game UI with tahometer, speedometer, timer, laps count and current gear;

an extensive tutorial with plot elements in the visual novel style.

Supported languages


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