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Create, Edit, and Organize with Sticky Notes Web App: A User-Friendly Tool for Virtual Notes In HTML


The Sticky Notes web app is a simple and interactive tool that allows users to create virtual sticky notes on their computer screen. It provides a user-friendly interface for adding, editing, and deleting notes.

HTML: The HTML structure of the app consists of a container div that holds the main elements. Inside the container, there is a heading that displays the title "Sticky Notes". The notes-container div is where all the sticky notes will be displayed, and it initially starts empty. Finally, there is an "Add Note" button which enables users to create new notes.

CSS: The CSS file is responsible for styling the different elements of the app. The container div has a maximum width of 800 pixels and is centered using auto margins. It also has some padding to create spacing around the elements. The h1 heading has a bottom margin to provide some separation from other elements. The notes-container div uses flexbox to arrange the sticky notes in a responsive grid-like layout. Each note has a fixed width and height, a yellow background color, and some margin and padding to create spacing.

JavaScript: The JavaScript file, which we'll call "script.js", handles the interactivity of the app. It listens for user actions and performs the necessary actions based on those events. When the page loads, the script file is executed. It creates event listeners for the "Add Note" button, allowing users to create new notes. When the button is clicked, a new note element is dynamically created and added to the notes-container. Users can also edit or delete existing notes by interacting with them.

Overall, this sticky notes web app provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to organize their thoughts, reminders, or any other important information in a virtual sticky note format.



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