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attribute methods

Modifying Attributes Methods

Method NameDescription
getAttribute()Used to retrieve an attribute value
setAttribute()Used to assign an attribute to an element
removeAttribute()Used to remove an attribute from an element
  • getAttribute()

Syntax for this method is as follows:

Variable = element.node.getAttribute("attribute name", "attribute value");
var x = document.getElementsByTagName("p")[0].getAttribute("align");
  • setAttribute()

Syntax for this method is as follows:

element.node.setAttribute("attribute name", "attribute value");

This method is often used with event handlers like onclick() or onmouseover() to change an aspect of a website based on user input.

  • removeAttribute()

Syntax for this method is as follows:

element.node.removeAttribute("attribute name");

Let’s look at a quick example of these attributes in action:

  <title>Setting and removing attributes</title>

  <script type="text/javascript">
   function onmousefont(){
   function offmousefont(){

   <font onmouseover="onmousefont();" onmouseout="offmousefont();">Mouse over me! </font>

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