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Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud - Challenge Lab - GSP322

Let's start with defining some variables given by Cloud Skill Boosts 





example variable defination - export SSH_IAP_NETWORK_TAG=<SSH_IAP_network_tag_given_in_the_lab_instructions> export SSH_INTERNAL_NETWORK_TAG=

example variable defination - export SSH_INTERNAL_NETWORK_TAG=<SSH_internal_network_tag_given_in_the_lab_instructions> export HTTP_NETWORK_TAG=

example variable defination - export HTTP_NETWORK_TAG=<HTTP_network_tag_given_in_the_lab_instructions> gcloud compute firewall-rules delete open-access

Task 2:Navigate to Compute Engine in the Cloud Console and identify the bastion host. The instance should be stopped. Start the instance.

gcloud compute instances start bastion --zone us-central1-b

gcloud compute firewall-rules create ssh-ingress --allow=tcp:22 --source-ranges --target-tags ssh-ingress --network acme-vpc

gcloud compute instances add-tags bastion --tags=ssh-ingress --zone=us-central1-b

Task 4:The juice-shop server serves HTTP traffic. Create a firewall rule that allows traffic on HTTP (tcp/80) to any address. The firewall rule should be enabled on juice-shop via a network tag.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create http-ingress --allow=tcp:80 --source-ranges --target-tags http-ingress --network acme-vpc

gcloud compute instances add-tags juice-shop --tags=http-ingress --zone=us-central1-b

Task 5:You need to connect to juice-shop from the bastion using SSH. Create a firewall rule that allows traffic on SSH (tcp/22) from acme-mgmt-subnet network address. The firewall rule should be enabled on juice-shop via a network tag.

gcloud compute firewall-rules create internal-ssh-ingress --allow=tcp:22 --source-ranges --target-tags internal-ssh-ingress --network acme-vpc

gcloud compute instances add-tags juice-shop --tags=internal-ssh-ingress --zone=us-central1-b

Task 6:In the Compute Engine instances page, click the SSH button for the bastion host. Once connected, SSH to juice-shop.

In the Compute Engine instances page, click the SSH button for the bastion host. Once connected, SSH to juice-shop.

 ssh [internal IP address of juice-shop]

 If prompted, please type yes& then enter two times. You'll see you're successfully login to the juice-shop VM from bastion VM, It means our SSH firewall is working perfectly

If you get Public key access denied Use this command:-

gcloud compute ssh juice-shop --internal-ip

SSH to bastion host via IAP and juice-shop via bastion Congratulations you've completed your challenge lab


 Happy Learning See you in the cloud...


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