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Matrix Operations(1817110016)

Given a 2D array, find the maximum sum subarray in it. For example, in the following 2D array, the maximum sum subarray is highlighted with blue rectangle and sum of this subarray is 29.

Single line output, print the Max sum forming a rectangle in a 2-D matrix

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  1. # Python3 program to find maximum sum
    # subarray in a given 2D array

    # Implementation of Kadane's algorithm
    # for 1D array. The function returns the
    # maximum sum and stores starting and
    # ending indexes of the maximum sum subarray
    # at addresses pointed by start and finish
    # pointers respectively.
    def kadane(arr, start, finish, n):

    # initialize sum, maxSum and
    Sum = 0
    maxSum = -999999999999
    i = None

    # Just some initial value to check
    # for all negative values case
    finish[0] = -1

    # local variable
    local_start = 0

    for i in range(n):
    Sum += arr[i]
    if Sum < 0:
    Sum = 0
    local_start = i + 1
    elif Sum > maxSum:
    maxSum = Sum
    start[0] = local_start
    finish[0] = i

    # There is at-least one
    # non-negative number
    if finish[0] != -1:
    return maxSum

    # Special Case: When all numbers
    # in arr[] are negative
    maxSum = arr[0]
    start[0] = finish[0] = 0

    # Find the maximum element in array
    for i in range(1, n):
    if arr[i] > maxSum:
    maxSum = arr[i]
    start[0] = finish[0] = i
    return maxSum

    # The main function that finds maximum
    # sum rectangle in M[][]
    def findMaxSum(M):
    global ROW, COL

    # Variables to store the final output
    maxSum, finalLeft = -999999999999, None
    finalRight, finalTop, finalBottom = None, None, None
    left, right, i = None, None, None

    temp = [None] * ROW
    Sum = 0
    start = [0]
    finish = [0]

    # Set the left column
    for left in range(COL):

    # Initialize all elements of temp as 0
    temp = [0] * ROW

    # Set the right column for the left
    # column set by outer loop
    for right in range(left, COL):

    # Calculate sum between current left
    # and right for every row 'i'
    for i in range(ROW):
    temp[i] += M[i][right]

    # Find the maximum sum subarray in
    # temp[]. The kadane() function also
    # sets values of start and finish.
    # So 'sum' is sum of rectangle between
    # (start, left) and (finish, right) which
    # is the maximum sum with boundary columns
    # strictly as left and right.
    Sum = kadane(temp, start, finish, ROW)

    # Compare sum with maximum sum so far.
    # If sum is more, then update maxSum
    # and other output values
    if Sum > maxSum:
    maxSum = Sum
    finalLeft = left
    finalRight = right
    finalTop = start[0]
    finalBottom = finish[0]

    # Prfinal values
    print("(Top, Left)", "(", finalTop,
    finalLeft, ")")
    print("(Bottom, Right)", "(", finalBottom,
    finalRight, ")")
    print("Max sum is:", maxSum)

    # Driver Code
    ROW = 4
    COL = 5
    M = [[1, 2, -1, -4, -20],
    [-8, -3, 4, 2, 1],
    [3, 8, 10, 1, 3],
    [-4, -1, 1, 7, -6]]


    # This code is contributed by PranchalK


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