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Noise Levels

  • Problem Description

    The following table lists the sound level in decibels for several common noises.Noise Decibel level (dB),

    Jackhammer 130
    Gas lawnmower 106
    Alarm clock 70
    Quiet room 40 

    Write a program that reads a sound level in decibels from the user. 

    If the user enters a decibel level that matches one of the noises in the table then your program should display a message containing only that noise. 

    If the user enters a number of decibels between the noises listed then your program should display a message indicating which noises the level is between. 

    Ensure that your program also generates reasonable output for a value smaller than the quietest noise in the table, and for a value larger than the loudest noise in the table.

    Use only if and elif
  • a=int(input())
    elif(a>=106 and a<130):
        print("Gas lawnmower")
    elif(a>=70 and a<106):
        print("Alarm clock")
    elif(a>=40 and a<70):
        print("Quiet room")

  • Test Case 1

    Input (stdin)

    Expected Output
  • Test Case 2

    Input (stdin)

    Expected Output
    Gas lawnmower

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